Unscheduled Stop from the CineManArt series


Bus Stop 2

ArtGraeco’s homoerotic take on the 1956 American romantic comedy film Bus Stop, starring Marilyn Monroe(Cherie) and Don Murray (Bo). A naive but stubborn cowboy falls in love with a saloon singer and tries to take her away against her will to get married and live on his ranch in Montana (imdb description).

The CineManArt series by ArtGraeco reframes Cherie’s escape to the bus station still wearing her costume, before Bo lassoes her and drags her onto the bus bound for Montana.

CineManArt is a series of photomontages, collages and digital art by ArtGraeco that recast characters of mainstream movies, change scenarios and subvert plots. These up-stagings add new dimensions – some solemn, others playful – to the stereotypes, the intolerance and homophobia cinema portrayed for over 100 years of filmmaking.

The CineManArt series by Artgraeco depicts what cinema could be and could have been more of: open, daring, defiant, fair, inclusive.

The homoeroticism here speaks to the subtext of sexual tensions and desires that flow between those of the same gender and the subversive homoerotic imagery in the movies.


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